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Why do ships choose marine furniture

作者:点击:535 发布时间:2020-09-27

The main difference between marine furniture and civil furniture is the different fire rating requirements. Marine furniture needs to be fixed, and the technology and design requirements of marine furniture are higher. Marine furniture is usually used in residential areas, and residential areas have strict requirements on flame retardant, so the paint and wood used in the furniture also have requirements; secondly, it is necessary to fix the marine furniture, and fix the chairs and beds on the deck. For example, the bed on a boat must have baffles or people will be thrown off. In terms of handicraft and design, marine furniture is still designed according to aesthetic and fire protection requirements, similar to civil furniture.

Ship furniture should meet the special needs of ship navigation, and the products should pay special attention to firmness, fire prevention and wave proof performance. For example, a wave proof lock should be used for drawers on board. When the drawer is closed, it is the same as the civil furniture. When opening drawers, you must first lift them to open them. This prevents the drawer from sliding automatically when it is bumpy. The chairs on board shall be designed with wave hooks and the furniture on board shall be made of fireproof board.


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